Baseball Training Gaining in Popularity in Raleigh, NC

The Raleigh, North Carolina area seems to be growing in more ways that one. While the RTP area is famous for its range of career opportunities and industrial expansion, baseball training is also on the rise.

Drew Anderson, a college athlete began his baseball career at the Ohio State University as a freshman and was later drafted into the Cincinnati Reds organization in 2004. Having spent seven seasons in the minor leagues, Anderson aspired to do something more with his love of baseball and founded DiamondFit Performance.

DiamondFit Performance is intended to help athletes to actively work on their unique skill set, development and set them a part from others. The facility is meant to provide a more in depth focus on strength and athletic training to allow athletes to excel as much as possible in their baseball-related achievements.

“Our team enjoys working with athletes of all ages, from high school to professional levels,” said DiamondFit Performance, in response to how training can benefit baseball players. “DiamondFit Performance Raleigh trainers will start with fundamentals, move to increasing athlete’s knowledge base, and finally end with gameplay scenarios or a true test of a player’s on-the-fly ability to adapt and perform.”

With DiamondFit Performance’s vision and appearance making it known in the Raleigh, NC area for baseball training, it may be beneficial to check out what the excitement is all about. For any information regarding the facility or if you are interested and would like to learn more, DiamondFit Performance asks that you please contact them online or call 919-823-04214.


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